Parkway Concert Orchestra | Gallery | 2017-2018 Season | Other Events

Orchestra members are active in the community between concerts!
February 10, 2018 at the Milton Public Library

February 10, 2018 at the Milton Public Library

Musicians and friends of the Parkway Concert Orchestra performed chamber works at the Milton Public Library on February 10, 2018. Selections included music by Bach, Coldplay, Dvorak, Handel, Mascagni, Pachelbel, Pepusch, Rodríguez, Scarlatti, and Tchaikovsky.
December 15, 2017 at Dedham Savings Bank

December 15, 2017 at Dedham Savings Bank

Small chamber ensembles made up of Parkway Concert Orchestra musicians and friends performed at the Dedham Savings Bank on December 15. Photos courtesy of Heather Kirby and Dennis Pratt.

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