Images from the Parkway Concert Orchestra's 2001-2002 Season

Dedham Concert, December 9, 2001

kelley mark keller
Kelley perfoms Meditation from Thais Mark Keller narrates Elijah's Angel
santa paul and santa
Santa made his annual appearance.
cue the audience paul and kelley shake hands
Paul cues audience during the sing-along  
orchestra bow

Here's the Parkway Concert Orchestra Brass Quintet, who performed at the Dedham Institution for Savings. Thanks to Susan Silverman for the photo!

brass quintet

April 28, Islington

cue audience

Paul cues the audience for another rousing sing-along

Westwood High School's show choir, "Pizzazz!" Westwood High School show choir, Pizzazz
Paul cuts cake in his honor

The afternoon ended with a reception and a special cake recognizing Paul D'Angelo's years of leadership.

July 3, Fox Hill Village

In spite of a sweltering heat wave,the Orchestra delighted yet another audience with an unusual outdoor performance.

adelle solo

Adele VandenBosch performs French Horn solo in Leroy Anderson's "Horse & Buggy"

Penny Whistle Song

Susan Silverman, Katie Nelson, Vicki Nelson and Muriel Porter were featured in Anderson's "Penny Whistle Song"